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Our Underpinning solutions provides solid foundation

Underpinning is the process of strengthening and stabilizing the foundation of a solid brick or brick veneer home, which is showing signs of structural movement, and is an area in which Reblocking and Underpinning solutions have been specializing for over forty years. The process of underpinning requires a geotech report (soil test) to ascertain the best depth for the foundation, and a structural engineer to identify the works that need to be undertaken. It is a requirement that all underpinning permit applications must be accompanied by a structural engineer?s design and certification. 
Your home may need to be underpinned for a variety of reasons. The soil beneath your foundations may have subsided due to leaking pipes, poor drainage, tree root damage, or even excessively dry founding soil due to drought. Another common reason is that the existing foundations may just have been of a lesser standard than is required today. In conjunction with an engineer, no matter what the reason, Reblocking and Underpinning solutions has the solution. We have been underpinning Melbourne homes for four decades and have the knowledge and experience to remedy the problem.

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